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The Great Export Recovery in German Manufacturing Industries, 2009/2010

Joachim Wagner, Leuphana University Lueneburg and CESIS, Stockholm, 2013-10-01

This paper uses comprehensive high-quality panel data from official statistics for 
exporting enterprises to investigate the micro-structure of the recent export recovery
in 2010 in manufacturing industries in Germany after the great recession of 2008/
2009. Almost all of the increase in exports was due to positive changes of exports in
firms that continue to export (i. e. at the so-called intensive margin) while the increase
of exports due to export starters (at the so-called extensive margin) was tiny. It is
shown that very large firms played a decisive role in shaping the export recovery.
These findings are remarkably symmetric to the results from an analysis of the great
export collapse of 2008/09.


volume:64, Issue 3
JEL:F14, E32
keywords:exports germany granular_economy great_export_recovery

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