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Opening Clauses in Collective Bargaining Agreements: More Flexibility to Save Jobs?

Tobias Brändle, Institute for Applied Economic Research Tübingen & Wolf Dieter Heinbach, Ministry for Science, Research and Arts Baden-Württemberg, 2013-08-12

This paper analyses the impact of opening clauses in German collective bargaining
agreements (CBAs) on job flows. Opening clauses should provide firms with more
flexibility in economic crises. Therefore, firms operating under a CBA with opening
clauses are expected to have lower job turnover, in particular lower job destruction
under bad business conditions, and – if job creation is not adversely affected – higher
job growth. We analyse this question empirically using data from the IAB Establishment
Panel, a large and representative data set on German establishments. We supplement
the data with additional information on the existence of opening clauses in CBAs in the West German manufacturing sector (using the IAW Data Set on Opening Clauses). By means of a matching approach, we address selection problems in flexible CBAs and reveal that the existence of opening clauses has a positive, albeit not always significant, effect on job growth. In contrast, there are no significant effects on job destruction and job creation per se, and, based on information given in the IAB Establishment Panel itself, explicit knowledge of opening clauses or their application have no additional effect on job flows.

volume:64, Issue 2
JEL:J51, J63, C21
keywords:collective_bargaining job_flows opening_clauses propensity_score_matching

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